Expert Working Groups (EWGs) will examine the latest state-of-the-art research and developments, as well as proposals for new and innovative ways improve the future effectiveness of agriculture policies across the EU.
Members of the EWGs are internationally recognized technical experts, policy makers and professionals from industry and NGOs in the field of agriculture, public health, economics and politics. They will use their individual knowledge and experience to provide technical expertise and strategic guidance to develop this important component of the OPERA activity. Furthermore, at the request of the EWGs, additional experts may be invited to provide specialist testimonies and to discuss specific issues. The final report of the EWGs will be presented to the SciCo and to the SteCo.

Expert Working Group on Pesticide Risk Indicators
The Expert Working Group on Pesticide Risk Indicators consists of experts from various fields of agriculture, government, industry, and NGOs. They contribute majorly to the outcome of OPERA by
- being consulted for various issues,
- giving expert opinions,
- exchange knowledge and opinions during meetings.
OPERA Agricultural Markets Working Group
According to the OPERA work program approved by the Scientific Committee, since 2010 a new working group on Agricultural Markets has been set up. At the last meeting of the OPERA Agricultural Markets Working Group (1st December 2010 in Brussels) the activity was concentrated on developing the content, the objectives and the approach of an economic recommendation paper: Agricultural Market Stabilization System – policy instruments to be included in the CAP.
The general objective of the Agricultural Markets Stabilization System and the scope of the policy proposal herewith, should be to protect farmers from the income volatility generated by the market instability through price and production stabilization.
The WG has agreed to put forward a final paper which is pragmatic and propose sound solutions for the development of the market management system in the CAP. This should be based on the contributions of the members following their existing and on-going work in the field.

Expert Working Group on Common Agricultural Policy
A working group initiated by Prof E. Capri, R. de Vivo, S. Bollmohr and A. Marchis was formed in order to comment and advise on the proposal ‘A new EU Common Agricultural Policy’. The working group will be expanded to further experts in this field in order to provide a think tank on the issue of the architecture of the CAP.OPERA has been organising through its office in Brussels a series of events dedicated to the debate on the possible policy solutions for the numerous problems faced by CAP.