The risks to human health and the environment related to the use of pesticides in agriculture can occur during the entire life cycle of the products. For this reason the demo days address each of the process phases, such as the calibration of sprayers for phytosanitary treatments, the treatment phase with the reduction of drift and runoff, the use of drones in agriculture, the management of waste. The meetings, open to agricultural entrepreneurs, operators, farm contractors, consultants and agronomic technicians and all the players in the supply chain, are itinerant and will take place – between February and May 2019 – in some farms of the Parco Adda Sud that have shown interest in the project. The Days have a practical approach, to facilitate the exchange of experiences and skills among all participants. Each farms can host a demonstration day on a topic of its interest (for info The days have been preceded in recent months by a series of training events promoted by the project which addressed issues such as the decision support systems, the importance of reading data on the label, the protection of biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability management within a park.
“The correct use of plant protection products is the subject of many regulations – at European, national and regional level – that trace the trajectories to guide towards what has become a priority for many: reducing risks and impacts related to the use of these products and encouraging the adoption of innovative technologies and the adoption of sustainable behaviors. In this context, the transfer and sharing of information, skills and experience between scientific and technological research, companies and other actors in the agricultural sector are considered fundamental to achieve the objectives of environmental sustainability at various levels.
The project is co-financed by the Lombardy Region under the Feasr – Rural Development Program 2014-2020, which aims to support the transfer of knowledge and innovation in the agricultural sector in Lombardia, strengthening the link between agriculture and research. Coordinated by the Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences (Disat) of the University of Milano-Bicocca, Trainagro is carried out in collaboration with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, IREA (Cnr-Irea) and Parco dell’Adda Sud. The duration is 2 years starting from November 2017.

For the updated calendar of days, consult the project website .