The fundamental contribution of OPERA is to use the potential of existing scientific researches as well as the existing expertise and knowledge to support the stakeholders in their political and technical decisions concerning agriculture.
One objective is to provide a series of pragmatic recommendations to policy makers to bridge the interest and objectives of agriculture and environment as well as to ensure efficient implementation of the agriculture related policies in the EU.
The modus operandi of the OPERA Research Centre is based on the creation of a virtuous circle where:
- we offer a European platform to debate on the topical issues in the agriculture sector
- the topical issues identified during debates and stakeholder interactions are retained and analyzed
- we use a comprehensive network of expertize around Europe to evaluate the issues and provide solutions (including the involvement in project for fundamental research)
- we provide the environment to develop analyses, solutions and recommendations
- we disseminate the results and bring them back in the platform debate to the attention of policy makers and stakeholders