Mitigating Pesticide Risk

We approach the link between risk assessment and risk management, why this link and dialoge is important in the realistic condition of pestidice use phase and explore some difficults/troubles that the manager could meet when have to manage safe use of pesticide and to check the compliance of farmers respect some Best Management Practice or labels information that comes from the risk assessment evaluation path. We explored more in deep:

1-the point source contamination and the importance of the farmarmers behaviours in their evaluation and limitation of risk with some examples in realistic condition of use.

2-Key risks and key factors which must be taken into consideration to avoid point source contamination in all stage of management of farms, from transport to management of waste were explored, and examples of best practices and mitigation measures available in order to limit this kind of contamination were provided

3-Several bioremediation systems for the management of pesticide contaminated water that is possible to apply in order to minimize the risk  were presented and discussed.

4- Diffuse source of contamination and the key factors influencing drift and run off, the importance of the evaluation of the situation, environmental condition, technical parameters, machine calibration prior the treatments, and parameters to be considered to limit the exposure

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