Safer Phosphates is a coalition of companies that want to contribute to the debate on fertilizers in the EU. The alliance aims to raise public awareness of contaminants in fertilizers […]
Progetto Erasmus + che mira a sviluppare un corso MSc certificato, interattivo ed avanzato, relativo alle applicazioni IoT nel settore agricolo per la formazione di giovani professionisti con le competenze […]
VITA VITicolura Armoniosa – I principi della sostenibilità nel territorio vitivinicolo piemontese Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 – della Regione Piemonte Misura 16 – Tipo di Intervento 16.1.1- […]
Ritorna l’informazione sull’uso sostenibile dei fitofarmaci promosso dalla regione Lombardia nell’ambito del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020. Train-Agro, ovvero TRAsferimento delle conoscenze e dell’ INnovazione nell’uso sostenibile dei pesticidi in […]
new project “Terre d’Olivo” coordinated by the CRPV, financed with the contribution of the PSR 2014-2020 – Focus Area 3A, which sees among the scientific partners in addition to the […]
Seafood Tomorrow is a European Union Horizon 2020-funded project that aims to develop innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood in Europe. Addressing the challenge […]
In the framework of the Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF), a Commission training initiative covering food and feed law, animal health and welfare and plant health rules, OPERA is involved […]
VIVA is the Italian program to manage, assess and certify the performance of sustainability in vineyards and wine production developed since 2011 throughout a multi-stakeholder approach that included the farms […]