The masTERs course on smArt Agriculture TECHnologies (TERRATECH) project aims to develop an advanced interactive MSc course related to Agriculture IoT Engineering that will train individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to work in the rising “Smart Agriculture” industry, as well as stimulate transversal competences such as the increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
The educational institutions involved (University of Porto, International Hellenic University, University of Debrecen, University of Pompeu Fabra, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences) have a significant expertise in agricultural sciences, engineering, management, as well as in high tech applications and they possess facilities equipped with special instrumentation for testing and construction of IoT systems and data analysis. In addition, the SMEs and farming companies bring relevant experience and techniques to get the participant students up to par.
Programme Structure Duration: 8 months, plus a 1-month agricultural experience (on the job) a month after the end of the teaching period
For more information download the leaflet