Opera will participate to EFSA Environmental risk assessment of pesticides: 25 years of scientific advancements since the adoption of Directive 91/414/EEC. The meeting will be held at EFSA, Parma, Italy, from 09:00 on 15 November 2016 to 13:00 on 16 November.Posters on recent work were OPERA is involved will be available
Opera is involved in a TransNational Cooperation project (TNC) together with representatives of France, Spain, Greece and Bulgaria in the framework of LEADER axis for the creation of a network of Emblematic Mediterranean MountainsThe project is in progressFor more information please contact maura.calliera@unicatt.it
The Manifesto of the participatory and synergistic experience developed by experts from universities, research centers and other institutions with the aim to analyze weaknesses, opportunities and the current state of the art.To share knowledge, discuss, guide and promote the development of future research. Download the document in italian and the summary in en or in documents sectionThe necessity to...
Significant scientific advances, changes in chemical legislation, and increasing environmental consciousness have created a favourable scientific and regulatory environment to develop and promote the concept and vision of IRA. The HEROIC White Paper present all the results on the development within the project of the integrated approaches across human and environmental risk assessment Contact: maura.calliera@unicatt.it
Five farming and environmental NGOs have come together with proposals to transform the CAP with the objective to help farmers improve on the sustainability of their activities le and to reward those who deliver the environmental benefits. They believe that the CAP is failing citizens, farmers and the environment, and requires radical change to justify...
With the coming into force of the recently adopted European Directive 128/2009/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides it becomes a requirement for all the European Member States to find the solutions to protect surface and ground water as well as all sources of drinking water supplies. Solutions to mitigate and prevent unwanted levels of...
The director of OPERA Ettore Capri gave a presentation on “The role of field margins in enhancing biodiversity and the importance of the management of multifunctional landscapes”. RELATED DOCUMENTS Programme (EN) 637KB Presentation (EN) 2MB
OPERA has commenced its activity on the implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive to share with you the results on possible mitigation measures, possible indicators and on the interpretation of the legal framework. OPERA has decided to step in and give the opportunity to all the stakeholders involved in the discussions on SUD implementation from...