Tutte le fasi di gestione del prodotto fitosanitario all’interno dell’azienda agricola possono rappresentare rischi di contaminazione ambientale. In particolare, una gestione impropria dell’acqua di lavaggio interno ed esterno delle macchine […]
Portoghese Como alcançar a segurança alimentar global sem
Francese Comment renforcer la sécurité alimentaire dans le monde sans entraver le libre-échange ou la productivité agricole
Priority in agricultural policy making has progressively shifted to sustainability and away from production and productivity in some high-income countries over the past decades. In the European Union (EU), the […]
7 by 5 Agenda for Ethics and Global Food Security, report includes seven global food ethics projects we deemed particularly worthy of investment because of their importance and tractability. For […]
The interaction between agriculture and bees is a delicate symbiosis, but pollinator health is experiencing a decline due to many different factors acting together. The Compendium carried out by Opera […]